Railroad Prototype Modelers Conference – RPM Chicagoland 2024
October 10-12, 2024, Naperville, IL

RPM Conference - Naperville 2024
Welcome to the RPM Conference website.
RPM Chicagoland returns in 2024, in conjunction with the Fox Valley Division NMRA.
We will keep this site updated with the latest RPM event news and hold an archive of past RPM related handouts and presentation files.
Friends of the Freight Car Panel Discussion
This week we'll be adding links to photos of the event, a digital copy of the attendee program, and presentation handouts which we have permission from the authors to provide digitally. However, an online discussion kicked off at RealSTMFC about the history of resin...
Building a 6-3 Heavyweight Sleeper with John Greene
John Greene will be hosting a hand-on clinic this year. Pre-registration is necessary, and attendees can sign up at the registration table. The cost is $15 payable to John at the clinic. Per John: Bethlehem Car Works will supply kits, glue and sanding boards. Modeler...
Hotel Room Block Update
The hotel has just informed me that they were able to add 9 more rooms (double beds only) to the RPM block. I know several people have been asking if more rooms could be made available. These are first come first served, and you can contact the hotel directly at...

Model Cards
The models brought for display are an integral part of the RPM meet. They aren't brought in to win a contest, but rather are brought to share with the other like minded attendees. We've updated the model display cards, and are including a PDF file in case you want to...
Online Registration Closing Soon
Online registration will conclude tomorrow, October 10, at 7:00 PM CST. But that doesn't mean that we don't want you to come to the event if your schedule changes at the last minute! You can always register for the event on site next Thursday. Or come for one day at...

2018 Mini-Kit
Frank Hodina has finished his test model of this year's Mini-Kit in HO scale, shown above. Early bird registrants will receive this year's Mini-Kit which includes resin conversion parts and a set of decals to be used to convert an Accurail 40ft wood reefer into an...
15 Day Countdown – Draft Schedule Posted
We are 15 days away from the event and will strive to provide an update post each day as we lead up to the 25th anniversary event. Today we are pleased to announce that the draft schedule of presentation is now posted on the Schedule page. 2018 Draft Schedule While...
25 Years and More of Prototype Modeling
A major theme of this year's 25th anniversary event is looking back at the history of the prototype modeling movement and celebrating how far modeling has come through the fellowship of RPM events. We'd like to see those improvements in the display room this year, and...